Oct 22 – 27, 2023
Lahan Select Gyeongju, South Korea
Asia/Seoul timezone

Travel Information

Gyeongju offers efficient transportation networks with convenient accessibility. There are three international airports, and various means of transportation from each airport to Gyeongju  - such as limousine bus, high-speed train (KTX), and express bus - are operated.



Gyeongju  →  Lahan Select Gyeongju

  • From Singyeongju Station (KTX),
    • Taxi (KRW 25,000 won, half an hour) 
    • Bus No. 700, 710 (one hour)
  • From Gyeongju Intercity Bus Terminal
    • Taxi (KRW 15,000 won, half an hour) 
    • Bus No. 100-1, 150-1,1000, 710, 18, 700 (half an hour) 


For more information please refer to the website