We are pleased to announce the first Self-seeded FEL workshop will be held in Pohang, South Korea. This workshop aims to share new ideas and promote collaboration in self-seeded FEL techniques and their scientific applications.
Today, Self-seeding is the only scheme that provides hard X-ray FEL users with pulses of radiation characterized by high-brightness (an order of magnitude higher than SASE) and narrow-bandwidth (down to a fraction of eV). Four facilities, LCLS-I, SACLA, PAL-XFEL, and European XFEL, use a self-seeded scheme for narrow-band scientific applications. At upcoming CW XFEL facilities, like SHINE and LCLS-II, self-seeding is considered for advancing the scientific case.
The workshop topics will include X-ray FEL self-seeding techniques and their science cases, including their development and applications, discussions on collaboration, etc. During the workshop, all participants are invited to have a hands-on experience of joining the self-seeded FEL tuning and optimization team at the PAL-XFEL operation room.
Topics to be discussed:
- experiments (cool things we can do with it)
- current performance (or expected performance from facilities that will install it)
- developments and schemes (transmission/reflection, single/double chicane, harmonics, phase locking)